Steamboat Information - Steamboats, Captains/Operators & Owners

Steamboat Owners Starting With " C "

Name: Cairo & Tiptonville Packet Company
        *No. 411 Ohio Levee, Telephone 154. Probably in Cairo, IL.
Area: 1890, July - Oct., Cairo, Ill. to Tiptonville, Ky.
Boats: 1890, EVANSVILLE
Comments: This entry is prompted by an e-mail from site visitor Wintfred L. Smith
          I find no such company in my sources, however according to the advertisement
          Mr. Smith found, it appears that it existed.
          Way's Packet Directory tells us that in July of 1890 Capt. Cole Boren and
          others purchased the EVANSVILLE and ran her between Cairo and Tiptonville
          until November of that year when she was returned to the Green River.
          It is possible this company was formed by Capt. Boren and others to operate
          just this one boat.

1. Name: Caldwell, John E. of New Orleans
Area:Miss. R.
Boats: 1855, Dec.- 1856, GEM

3. Name: California Pacific Railroad
Area: 1871, upper San joaquin R., California Delta

Name: California Steam Navigation Company
Formed: 1854
Area: West Coast, Stockton Calif.
               SOPHIE, AMERICAN EAGLE, 
Captains Associated With: William Shallcross

Callahan Line
Area: 1800s Late, Appalacicola, Chattahoutchee and Flint Rs.
Owner: Callahan, John Wesley, of Bainbridge Ga.
Boats: 1906-13, Owned RUTH No. 2 (The 7th and last boat in a string of Ruths)
     : possibly a boat named for the owner, the JOHN W. CALLAHAN
Comments: Callahan's was one of the founding families of Bainbridge Ga..
       He built a house shaped like a steamboat, which is
       still standing and well preserved.  It is called the Steamboat House.

Name: Campbell, Robert
Comments: This man either owned or had boats ROBERT CAMPBELL and ROBERT CAMPBELL JR.
          named for him.
The only teddy bear still made in America
Name: Cannon, John W.
Born: 1. 1820, June 17, Cannon farm above Hawksville, hancock Co., Ky. 
Died: 1. 1882, Apr. 18, burried at Frankfort, KY.
Boats:1860, Owner and Capt of ROB'T. E. LEE
      1866, Owner and Capt of ROB'T. E. LEE, No. 2
Comments: riverboat pilot and builder of fine steamboats for lower
          Mississippi trade, was born in 1820. By 1840 this skilled
          pilot began his career as steamboat entrepreneur. His most
          famous achievement was the ROBERT E. LEE, which
          won over the NATCHEZ in celebrated steamboat race
          from New Orleans to St. Louis in 1870.

1. Carter, W. R.
Boats: 1868, May, 25- 1870, Feb 28, MISSISSIPPI

Name: Carter Line
Area: St. Louis, New Orleans, Shreveport, Red R., possibly other routes
Boats: 1870-72, R.J. LOCKWOOD
	   1871 or so, ran LADY LEE, St. Louis - Red R.
Captains associated with:
        1870-72, James Caghill on R.J. LOCKWOOD 
        1871, G.F. Shields, master of LADY LEE
        187? JOHN T. MOORE

Name: Carter Packet Company, New Orleans, La. (Carter Brothers?)
Boats: 1913, owned S.L. ELAM
       1908, owned the OMAHA

Name: Casco Bay Lines
Area: Casco Bay, Maine
Comments: Formed in 1920 

Name: Casco Bay Steamboat Company
Area: Casco Bay, Maine

Name: Casco Bay Island Transit District
Area: Casco Bay, Maine
Comments: Formed in 1991 

Name: Charleston & Gallipolis Packet Company
Officers: 1901, G.H. Honshell, pres.
Boats: 1901, COLUMBIA

Name: Chattanooga and Decatur Packet Company
Principals: Capt. R.C. Gunter and the Gunter Family
Area: Tennessee R.
Boats: 1886, had built the R.C. GUNTER 
       Also owned the NATHAN B. FOREST      

Name: Chouteau, Pierre M.
Boats: 1850s, KATE SWINNEY (often misspelled Sweeney)
Comments: from article from Elk Point~Jefferson High School, Elk Point,
          South Dakota.

Name: Cairo and Tiptonville Packet Company
Boats: 1890, Purchased the EVANSVILLE
Captains Associated With: Cole Boren

Name: Cincinnati Packet Line
Formed: 1878
Principals: 1878, Nov., Capt. J.T. Stockdale, mgr. in Pittsburgh; J.N. Williamson, mgr. in Cincinnati

Name:Cincinnati and Louisville Packet Co.
Boat(s): 1820's, DIANA
Area: Mo. R.,  Ohio R.

Name: Cincinnati and Memphis Packet Company
Boats: 1885, DE SOTO

Name: Cincinnati & Nashville Packet Company
Comments: Mentioned

Name: Cincinnati & Pittsburgh
Area: Cumberland R.
Comments: Mentioned 

Name: Cincinnati, Portsmouth, Big Sandy & Pomeroy Packet Company
                    AKA, (White Collar Line) (Big Sandy Company or Line)
Area: Ohio R.
Boats: 1874, acquired the CITY OF PORTSMOUTH
         * 1884, Oct. purchased ST. LAWRENCE
		 1884, Nov. EMMA GRAHAM
		 1901, Apr. 14 - 1904, TACOMA
         190? - 1903, the SUNSHINE
         At one time, *BIG SANDY
Comments: Also see St. Louis and St. Paul Packet Company

Name: Cincinnati And Wheeling Line

1. Name: Clarington Packet Company
Area: 1904, Oct., Ohio R.
Owner: 1804, E.J. Clarke and others
Boats: 1904, Dec. 31, purchased T.N. BARNSDALL and renamed her ROYAL

Name: Coles, Capt. Charles
Area: Upper White R.
Boats: 1869-1872, BATESVILLE

1. Name: Comeaux Family
Area: 1910, Nov. 23,- 1914, Feb. 14, N.O. - Bayou Sara trade
Boats: 1910, Nov. 23,- 1914, Feb. 14, GEM

1. Name: Coney Island Company
Area: Cincinati
Boats: 1923-32, Dec 7, ISLAND MAID
     : 1896- 1922, ISLAND QUEEN (the 2nd one)
     : 1923-47, ISLAND QUEEN (the 3rd one)
Name: ?Coney Island Packet Line?, Don't know if this
      is same as Coney Island Company, above.

Name: Conrad, Jacob
Boat(s): 1865: Was co-owner with Baker, Capt. Charles K. of CORNELIA
Home: St. Louis
More information: from Way's Packet Directory, compiled by
         John Hartford, river musician.

1. Name: Convers, J. M. of St. Louis
Area: Miss. R.
Boats: 1842, J.M. WHITE #1, 1844 -1848, J.M. WHITE #2
       1846 - 1848, WAKENDAH
       1856 - 1857, J.M. CONVERS

Name: Cooper, Capt. Edmund B.
Boat(s): 1870 - Jan. 1871, SIOUX CITY
Comments: From Way's Packet Directory

Name: Coosa River Steamboat Company
Area: Coosa R., Alabama and Georgia
Comments: Source
Great American Products
Name: Coulson, Eliza
Boats: 1873, part owner of 1873 JOSEPHENE
         Also see  Missouri River Transportation Company, i.e Coulson Line

Name: John S. Coulson
Boats: 1873, part owner of 1873 JOSEPHENE
         Also see  Missouri River Transportation Company, i.e Coulson Line

Name: Coulson, Martin (Mart). of Allegheny, Pa.
Boats: 1879, part owner of 1879 MONTANA
         Also see Missouri River Transportation Company, i.e Coulson Line

Name: Coulson, Martin (Mart) of Westmorland County, Pa.
Boats: 1862-63, Mar 16, part owner, KEY WEST No. 3
         Also see  Missouri River Transportation Company, i.e Coulson Line

Name: Coulson Packet Line See Missouri River Transportation Company, i.e Coulson Line

Name: Coulson, Capt. Sanford (Sallie) B. of Yankton
Boats: 1870, owner, FAR WEST
       1872,  captain, WESTERN
       1873, part owner of 1873 JOSEPHENE
       1879, part owner, of 1879, MONTANA
         Also see  Missouri River Transportation Company, i.e Coulson Line

Name: Coulson, Sanford S.  Could this Sallie?  ??
Boats: 1871, owned with others, KEY WEST
         Also see  Missouri River Transportation Company, i.e Coulson Line

Name: Coulson, Capt. William W. of Allegheny County, Pa. 
Area: 1871, Ohio and Mo. Rs., Pittsburg-Fort Benton trade.
Boats: 1862-63, Mar 16, part owner, KEY WEST No. 3
       1863-65, capt. and owner, JULIA
       1871, Owner and capt., E.H. DURFEE
       1879, Master, WYOMING 
         Also see  Missouri River Transportation Company, i.e Coulson Line

Name: Cox, Thomas
Died: 1871, early
Area: U. White R.
Boats: 1869, July-1871, early, ARGOS

1. Name: Cramer, Lanford of Clarington, Oh.
Died: 1906,Sept. aboard the AVALON near Ambridge, Pa.
Area: u. Miss. and Ohio Rs.
Boat(s): 1888 BEN HUR
         1898 - 1907, AVALON
Comments:  Was head of the Cramer family boat holdings.

1. Name: Cumberland River Packet Company
Area: 1905, Cumberland R.
Boat(s): 1905, W.T. SCOVELL,
         1904-07, RED RIVER
         1905-07, ELECTRA

1. Name: Cumberland River Steamboat Company, Nashville ( Sometimes called The New Ryman Line)
Area: Cumberland R.
Officers: Headed by W.W. Parmenter and Capt. Tom G. Ryman, Jr.
Boats: 1908, built the ROBERT RHEA
       1910, acquired the J.B. RICHARDSON from the defunct Ryman Line
                  Nov. 18. 1913 the RICHARDSON burned
       1910, had built the NASHVILLE 
       1910-16, Sept., ROBERT RHEA
       1910-1918, Jan. 23, when lost to ice, ED MYER
       1913, Had built the JO HORTON FALL
Comments:  1915, fall, Capt. Tom G. Ryman Jr. was shot and killed aboard
           JO HORTON FALL on the Cumberland R. near Hunter's Landing, Tenn.

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